The Crying Cassette

My name is Mark, and I am a cassette collector. I don't collect video cassettes, but rather audio cassettes. Most of the time, I would go to a thrift store and buy one for 25 to 50 cents. Most of the time, the cassettes I find are very poorly taken care of, and sometimes I find a very well, if not, mint condition audio cassette. As of 2015, I collected 470 cassettes.
It was on September 19, 2007, when I went into a local thrift store once more, and I saw an audio cassette, which looks like those blank cassette tapes you would buy at RadioShack. The cassette had no box, so it was vulnerable to the elements. It is titled crudely with duct tape with the name "TEARS AND REMEMBER". I was curious, more curious than I ever been. However, it had no price tag, so I went to a employee, and I ask the price. He sighed, and said it was a nickel to pay. This was cheap compared to the usual price, which was 25 to 50 cents. I grabbed my spare change, and popped out a nickel. He said, "It's yours, pal." I cheered, and dashed to my car. As I drove it to my house, I heard a faint crying. Peculiar.
When I arrived home, I grabbed my jukebox, and played the cassette tape. The audio started with a speech in Spanish. I don't acknowledge the Spanish language, so it was gibberish to my ears. However, there was a repeating sentence, "''Nunca olvidar''." There was a moment of silence for 34 seconds, and then I heard crying. The sound of a young woman. Her crying was barely audible, but it was very sorrow. I continued to listen, and then, sounds of panic was heard. A crowd of people were crying in fear. A few seconds later, a loud and distorting audio was heard, an explosion. Thousands of people exclaimed in terror, and the only exclamation I can transcribe was,
"Oh my God, there goes another one!"
This was confusing. What is "another one"? After a few minutes of panic, there were the sounds of firetruck sirens.
After the sound of sirens, there was five minutes of silence. Then, two loud and distorting sounds were recorded. The sound was unrecognizable, and I heard a loud cry of fear. With many cries, I couldn't understand what people were crying.
Then, the cassette side was done.
I opened, and flip the cassette, and pressed play.
The cassette start with crying. Crying for 12 minutes. It was then, the sound of a child. She sometimes say while crying, "Mommy...daddy!" She sounds like she's mourning, or grieving. But then, the tape got stuck. I tried to open the jukebox, but it couldn't open.
I then felt ill.
My chest, it burns.
I better take some pills.